Republic of Ireland Strongest Man 2019
Strongman Winter Warriors 2019 for the Leslie Steele Cup
This contest will be charity based event in memory of the great strongman, powerlifter and friend Leslie Steele who recently passed away and also in aid of the Edge Youth and Community Centre. This will be an all level contest involving, juniors, masters, 95 and 110kg classes and Ulster Strongest Man and Republic of Ireland Strongest Man championships.
A qualification for Ireland’s Strongest Man 2019 that everyone must attend this year except the title holder (Pa O’Dwyer), Chris McNaughton, Gavin Redmond, Daniel Gannon and Ivan Gannon getting a bye. Leaving 7 places up for grabs for Ireland’s Strongest Man Final.
- Tyre Flip (400KG), 15 metres up and 15 metres back, no tacky, chalk only, 75 seconds.
- 110KG log for reps in 2s, 75 secs for as many reps as possible.
- Axle Deadlift for reps (260KG), straps allowed, no suits, 75 secs.
- Stone to the shoulder for reps (130KG), tacky allowed, 75 secs, 2 hands allowed to lift, stone must be held on the shoulder on either left or right with one arm being released into a bicep curl (as Arnold Classic)
- Farmers 125KG in each hand, no drops allowed for the title, 15 metres up and 15 metres back, 75 secs.