Donaghadee Highland Games
Donnagdee Highland Games won by strength games legend Jonathan Kelly Co.Antrim. Great throwing all day with Jonathan and Sean battling out in the weight for height. Jonathan achieved a personal best of 18ft and Sean won the event with 19ft. The crowd were entertained with strongman action in the log lift and husafelt stone by Gareth Quinn, Josh Smith and Peter McCarton. Congratulations to him and all the competitors for making a great show as the team had a very short window with fighting with the tide coming in! Great M.C from Andy Cairney and effort from all the competitors. Massive thankyou to Donaghadee Community Development Association making it possible and all support given to them. Looking forward to developing this event next year!
1st- Jonathan Kelly
2nd- Sean O’Hagan
3rd- Peter McCarton
4th- Gareth Quinn
5th- Josh Smith